With only photographs of antique Chinese artifacts at our disposal, we embarked on a journey to establish the tone of "Karma," a gripping tale of a newlywed couple grappling with the challenges of their differing ethnicities. Drawing inspiration from these artifacts, we delved into the rich cultural heritage they embodied, setting the stage for a story steeped in tradition and mystique. As the bride contends with the pressures of assimilating into her groom's old-fashioned family, she finds herself haunted by apparitions of ancestral spirits, their presence a palpable reminder of the weight of tradition and the ghosts of the past. Through a careful blend of visual elements and storytelling, we sought to immerse viewers in a world where love and tradition collide, with consequences that resonate far beyond the present.


DIRECTED, DESIGNED, AND ANIMATED for allan lunardi  |  produced by verdi solaiman